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德州理工大学Matt Olson博士3月13日学术报告

发布时间 :2016年03月11日 浏览量 :36

报告人:Matt Olson (德州理工大学)

题目:Climate change and local adaptation in balsam poplar

时间:2016-03-13(星期日)9:00 am


主持人:刘建全 教授



  • Ph.D., Duke University

  • M.S., Louisiana State University

  • B.S., University of Texas at Austin

Selected Publication

Olson, M.S., N. Levsen, R. Soolanayakanahally, R. Guy, W Schroeder, S. Keller, and P. Tiffin. 2013. The adaptive potential of Populus balsamifera L. to phenology requirements in a warmer global climate. Molecular Ecology. 22: 1214-1230.

Breen, A.L., D.F. Murray, and M.S. Olson. 2012. Genetic consequences of glacial survival: the late Quaternary history of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) in North America. Journal of Biogeography 39:918-928.

Keller, S.R., N. Levsen, M.S. Olson, and P. Tiffin. 2012. Local adaptation in the flowering time gene network of balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29:3143-3152.

Keller, S.R., N. Levsen, P.K. Ingvarsson, M.S. Olson, and P. Tiffin. 2011. Local Selection Across a Latitudinal Gradient Shapes Nucleotide Diversity in Balsam Poplar, Populus balsamifera L. Genetics 188:941-952.