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The University of Vermont钟晋顺博士5月21日学术报告

发布时间 :2016年05月16日 浏览量 :95

时间:2016年5月21日(周六) 下午1点半-2点半


报告人:钟晋顺 博士 the University of Vermont

主持人:刘建全 教授

题目:Evolution of cold adaptations in temperate grasses (Pooideae, Poaceae)

摘要:Adaptation to seasonally cold environments has occurred multiple times independently within angiosperms. However, the observation that less than half of all angiosperm families are represented in temperate latitudes suggests internal constraints on the evolution of cold tolerance/avoidance strategies, including cold acclimation, freezing tolerance, growth suppression, and chilling (vernalization)-induced flowering. Similar to angiosperms as whole, grasses (Poaceae) are primarily tropical, but one major clade, the cereal grass subfamily Pooideae (pooids), has radiated extensively within the northern hemisphere. To test the non-exclusive hypotheses that the Pooideae niche transition was facilitated by an early origin of long-term cold responsiveness, and that short-term cold tolerance pathways are more ancient that long-term ones, we compared transcriptome-level responses of phylogenetically disparate pooids to short-term and long-term cold.