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美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学Charles T. Anderson教授7月14日学术报告

发布时间 :2017年06月21日 浏览量 :183

肖朝文.jpg报告人: Charles T. Anderson, The Pennsylvania State University,

Pennsylvania, USA

报告题目: Seeing through walls: combining genetics, molecular labeling, and advanced imaging to reveal the dynamics of plant cell walls and their impacts on plant growth and development

报告时间: 2017年7月14号 (星期五),上午10:00-11:00

报告地点: 生命科学院报告厅B205

主持人:肖朝文 研究员

Dr. Charles Anderson graduated from University of North Carolina in 2002 and received his PhD degree from Stanford University in 2008. From 2008 to 2011, he was doing postdoctoral research in Energy Biosciences Institute, University of California Berkeley. In 2012, he joined Pennsylvania State University and started his research lab. Most of his work is focused on dynamics of plant cell walls in model plants Arabidopsis thaliana and Brachypodium distachyon. He applied a variety of tools of genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology to dissect the changes of wall architectures and interaction of wall components during plant growth and development. The outstanding research work has been published on international journals: Plant Cell, PNAS, Current Biology, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal etc. http://www.personal.psu.edu/cta3/index.html.
