《Biomaterial》、《Vaccine》、《Immunology》、《Nanomedicine》和《Research in Veterinary Science》等国际SCI学术期特邀刊审稿专家;
1985.9-1988.6:免疫病理硕士研究生, 硕士;
2004.11:访问美国Missouri University、Stanford University、Kansas University,California University in Los Angeles and San Francisco,California Institute of Technology;
2005-2006年:到澳大利亚Melbourne University、Victoria University、Monash University、美国Harvard University、Massachusetts Institute of Technology、Boston University、Washington University 、Maryland University访问与学术交流;;
2007-2008年:丹麦Denmark Technical University访问学者、到Copenhagen University、英国Cambridge University、Oxford University学术交流与合作研究;
2009.06-09:到比利时Veterinary and Agrochemical research Centre、德国Hannover University和新加坡国立大学访问和学术交流;
2010年:到德国Leipzig University、法国的ONCFS研究所、美国California University of Berkley、California University of San Diego、Chicago University、Massachusetts Institute of Technology访问与学术交流;
2011.11:访问西班牙Barcelona University 、Olot Pfizer company和瑞士IVI(Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis)和学术交流;
1. Yanyue Li, Xiaocheng Li,Wen-kui Sun, Chi Cheng,Rong Gao, Rui Liu, Xuebin Lv, Comparison of liver microRNA transcriptomes of Tibetan and Yorkshire pigs by deep sequencing,Gene,2016, 577(2): 244–250
2. Jianlin Chen, Gang Wang, Zhongwei Gu,Rong Gao,et al. Increase in Transgene Expression by Pluronic L64-Mediated Endosomal/Lysosomal Escape through Its Membrane-Disturbing Action,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2015, 7, 7282−7293
3. Jing Luo, Jianlin Chen,Gang Wang,Rong Gao et al. An efficient method for in vitro gene delivery via regulation of cellular endocytosis pathway,International Journal of Nanomedicine,2015,10:1–12
4. Chi Cheng, Wenkui Sun,R. Liu, R. M. Wang, XB. LuandR. Gao,Comparison of gene expression of Toll-like receptors and antimicrobial peptides in immune organs and tissues between Yorkshire and Tibetan pigs,Animal Genetics,2015,46, 272–279,
5. Xiaoping Wan, Xiao Yang, Suqiong Zhan, Jianlin Chen,Rong Gao, Cloning of interleukin-15 gene of Tibetan pig and adjuvant effect of its recombinant plasmids packed with PEG and PEI modified chitosan nanoparticles on immunity of mice to FMD vaccination, Procedia in Vaccinology 9 ( 2015 ) 80 – 90
6. Dong Li, Jian-Lin Chen, Huan Zhang,Xiao Yang, Xiao-Ping Wan, Chi Cheng, Yue Li, Ze-Zhou Wang, Xue-Bin Lv, Hong-Ning Wang, Jiang-Ling Li,Rong Gao,Improvement of the immunity of pig to Hog cholera vaccine by recombinantplasmid with porcine interleukin-6 gene and CpG motifs,Vaccine,2011,29,3888–3894
7. Yuanyuan Yu,Zheng Wang, Lin Cai, Gang Wang, Xiao Yang, Xiao Pin Wan, Xin Hua Xu,Ying Li,Rong Gao. Synthesis and characterization of methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-O-chitosan-polyethylenimine for gene delivery,Carbohydrate Polymers,2010,81 (2): 269-274(corresponding author)
8. Yang, X; Sun, WK; Chen, WL; Chen, JL; Wan, XP; Zhang, H; Cai, L; Wang, ZZ; Lv, XB; Wang, HN; Li, JL;Gao, R. Promotion of the immunity of piglets to Hog cholera vaccine induced by shuffled pig interleukin-2 gene and CpG immunostimulatory sequences encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticles,Procedia in Vaccinology,2010, 2 (1): 51-59
9. Zhong-Zhong Zhao,Hua-Bing Zhang , Qian Chen, Zhao Xie, Ying-Yu Wang, Yi Yang, Ze-Zhou Wang , Jiang-Ling Li, Kai-Yuan Wu , Hong-Ning Wang, Min-Jie Meng ,Rong Gao,Promotion of immunity of mice toPasteurella multocidaandHog choleravaccine by pig interleukin-6 gene and CpG motifs,Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases,2009,32:191-205
10. Zhigang Xu , Xiaoping Wan, Wei Zhang, Zheng Wang , Lin Cai , Ying Li, Qing Jiang,Rong Gao, Synthesis of biodegradable polycationic methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)–polyethylenimine–chitosan and its potential as gene carrier, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2009,78(1):46-53
11. Baofeng Song, Wei Zhang, Rong Peng , Jie Huang , Ting Nie, Ying Li, Qing Jiang,Rong Gao, Synthesis and cell activity of novel galactosylated chitosan as a gene carrier, Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces, 2009, 70:181-186
12. Tao Zhang,Yuan Yuan Yu, Dong Li,Rong Peng,Ying Li,Qing Jiang,Ping Dai,Rong Gao,Synthesis and properties of a novel methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)- modified galactosylated chitosan derivative,J Mater Sci: Mater Med,2009,20(3): 673-680)
13. Qian Chen, Zhong-Zhong Zhao, Rong Peng,Ying-Yu Wang, Zhao Xie, Ze-Zhou Wang,Rong Gao,Enhancement of immunity and resistance in mice by pig IL-6 gene and CpG motifs encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticle,Biotechnology Journal , 2008, 3(2):264-273
14. Zhao Xie , Hui Li,Jianlin Chen, Hua-bing Zhang,Qian Chen, Zhong-Zhong Zhao, Chi Cheng, Huan Zhang, Yi Yang,Rong Gao,Shuffling of pig interleukin-2 gene and its enhancing of immunity in mice to Pasteurella multocida vaccine, Vaccine, 2007 25:8163–8171
15. Huan Zhang, Chi Cheng,Min Zheng, Zhao Xie, Jiang Ling Li, Yi Yang, Yi Shen, Hong-Ning Wang,Zezhou Wang,Rong Gao,Enhancement of immunity to an Escherichia coli. vaccine in mice orally inoculated with a fusion gene encoding porcine interleukin 4 and 6, Vaccine, 2007, 25: 7094–7101
16. Yi Yang, Jianlin Chen, Hui Li, Yingyi Wang, Zhao Xie, Huan Zhang, Cheng Chi, Hongning Wang, Rong Gao,Porcine interleukin-2 gene encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticles enhances immune response of mice to piglet paratyphoid vaccine, Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2007,30(1):19-32
17. Wu Kaiyuan, Wu Mei, Fu Manliang, Gao Rong, A novel CpG chitosan nanoparticles to regulate the cellular and humoral immunity of mice. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences,2006,19(2):87-95
18. Man-Liang FU, Sancheng Ying, Mei Wu, Hui Li, Rong Gao,Regulating effects of a novel CpGChitosan-nanoparticles on immune responses to porcine paratyphoid vaccines in mice,Biomedical and Environmental Sciences,2006,19(4):315-322
19. Hui Li, Shigui Liu, Lihuan Wang, Rong Gao et al. Molecular Cloning and Expression of IL2 cDNA from Tibet Pig,Veterinary Research communication, 2005, 29:395-405
20. Mei Wu, Shigui Liu, Bing Shen, Minjie Meng, Rong Gao et al. Regulating effects of porcine interleukin-6 gene and CpG motifs on immune responses to porcine trivalent vaccines in mice.Res. Vet .Sci. 2004,77:49-57
21. Jinling Li, Shigui Liu, Bing Shen, Minjie Meng, Rong Gao et al. The immunoregulation of mice by somatic transgenic expression of porcine interleukin-6 and CpG sequence. Veterinary Research Communication,2004,28:33-46
22. Mei Wu,Lin Shu,Rong Gao,Shigui Liuet al,The Effect of Entrapment of Murine Interleukin 2 Gene with Chitosan Nanoparticles on the Expression and Its Regulation of Immune Response of Mice, Journal of biomedical engineering,2004,6:947-952
23. Manliang Fu, Hui Li, Kaiyuan Wu, Rong Gao et al. Molecular Cloning and Expression of IL2 cDNA from Yak, Sichuan Journal of Zoology,2005, 24:507-512r)
24. Shen Bin, Gao Rong, Men Mingjie, Shigui Liuet al,Immune response of mice to inoculation with TS11 antigenic gene of Taenia Solium,Chinese J. Veterinary Medicine,2004,1:3-6
25. Li Hui,Gao Rong*,Wu Mei, Shigui Liu et al,Cloning and sequence analysis of γ-interferon gene from Tibet pig,Chinese Vet. Science and Technology, 2003,5:48-51
26. Shen Bin, Gao Rong, Men Mingjie, Shigui Liuet al,The eukaryotic expression of TS11 antigenic gene fromcysticircus cellulosae, Chinese J.Vet. Medicine, 2003,4: 6-9
27. Li Hui,Gao Rong*,Wu mei,Ding Xiaotao, Shigui Liu et al,Cloning and Analyzing of interleukin-4 cDNA from the lymphocyte of Tibet Pig, Chinese J. Immunology, 2003,6:475-478
28. Long Zhangfu, Gao Rong, Men Mingjie, et al, Effect of porcine interleukin gene 6 entrapped with cationic liposome on the immune responses of mice inoculated with the antigenic gene vaccine ofTaenia Solium, High Technology Letters, 2003.3:25-29
29. Lv Xuebing, Li Jianglin, Gao Rong, et al, Effect of transgenic expression of PIFN-γgene on the immune responses of mice immunization with paratyphoid vaccine, High technology letter,2003.4:236
30. Ning Hong, Gao Rong, Qin Zhen,Shigui Liuet al,Analysis of the protein electrophoresis patterns ofCurvularia lunatain maize and immunological detection of the pathogenic culture, High technology Communication,2002.3:11-15
31. Mei Wu, Rong Gao, Jiangling Li, Minjie Meng, Shigui Liu et al. Regulating Effect of CpG Motifs and Cationic Liposome on Immune Responses to Antigenic Gene ofTaenia soliumin Mice, High Technology Letters, 2002, 7: 39-44
32. Jiangling Li, Rong Gao, Mei Wu , Mingjie Meng, Shigui Liu et al., The effect of transgenic expression of porcine interleukin-6 gene and CpG sequences on immune responses of mice inoculated with the gene vaccine of Taenia solium of pig. High Technology Letters, 2002, 6: 26-30
33. Wang Zezhou, Gao Rong, Yang Lin, Shigui Liu et al, Construction and Expression of fusion gene of somatostatin and Hepatitis B surface antigen gene inYeast Pichia Pastoris,Journal of biomedical engineering(EI), 2002,3:483
34. Meng Minjie, Gao Rong, Tang Manshu, Li Jiang, et al, Cloning and sequencing of porcine interleukin –6 gene from lymphocyte, J. Sichuan University ( natural science edition), 2002, 3:557-560
1. 科技部国际合作项目,猪瘟防控新疫苗免疫机理及其免疫调控研究
2. European Commission,SEVENTH FRAMEWORK,PROGRAMME Grant agreement no.: 227003 CP-FP(欧盟国际合作项目),Improve tools and strategies for the prevention and control of classical swine fever;
3. 四川省科技厅成果转化,新型动物抗感染免疫分子制剂研制和应用
4. 四川省科技厅重点科技项目,四川地方猪种免疫遗传资源发掘和利用
5. 国家863计划,家禽重要病毒病基因工程疫苗研究和创制;
6. 国家科技支撑计划,动物产品兽药残留安全控制技术研究;
7. 国家科技支撑计划,猪瘟及口蹄疫流行病学和快速诊断技术集成研究;
8. 国家重大项目前期基础研究,生物技术筛选高原植物活性分子及消除细菌耐药性的研究;
9. 国家自然科学基金,猪白细胞介素-23基因克隆表达及其对猪免疫记忆的效应研究;
11. 国家自然科学基金,猪白细胞介素2和6基因的改组研究;
16. 四川省重点科技攻关,动物高效营养分子代谢调节制剂的研制和应用;