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张 胜

发布时间 :2018年11月15日 浏览量 :44107















4. 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目, 杨柳科植物雌雄差异及在山地植被修复中的利用潜力, 2017.01–2021.12;

5. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,树木生理学,2014.01–2016.12




Li Q, He Y, Feng J, He Y, Zhang S*. Pseudomonas fluorescens inoculation enhances Salix matsudana growth by modifying phyllosphere microbiomes, surpassing nitrogen fertilization. Plant Cell and Environment, 2025, 48:599-614 (杂志封面).

Yao Y, Shu S, Feng J, Wang P, Jiang H, Wang X*, Zhang S*. Convergence and differentiation of tree radial growth in the Northern Hemisphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2025, 360:110300.

Liu R, Yao Y, Chu Q, Wei D, Wang X, Zhang S*. Enhanced soil microbial stability is associated with soil organic carbon storage under high-altitude forestation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 370:122462.

He Y, Guo Z, Liu R, Li Q, He Y, Feng J, Zhang*. Enhancing temperature resilience in dioecious Salix myrtillacea: The role of acetic acid in eco-physiological and microbial adaptations. Industrial Crops and Products, 2024, 218:118888.

Xia L, Li M, Chen Y, Dai Y, Li H, Zhang S*. Sexually dimorphic acetyl‐ CoA biosynthesis and utilization in response to drought and exogenous acetic acid. Plant Journal, 2024,119:1967-1985.

Kong X, Chen Y, Li H, Li M, Liu X, Xia L, Zhang S*. Dissociation of transcription factor MYB94 and histone deacetylases HDA907/908 alleviates oxidative damage in poplar. Plant Physiology, 2024, 196:181-194.

Fu M, Liao J, Liu X, Li M, Zhang S*. Artificial warming affects sugar signals and flavonoid accumulation to improve female willows growth faster than males. Tree Physiology, 2023, 43:1584-1602 (杂志封面)

Cai Z, Fu M, Yao Y, Chen Y, Song H, Zhang S*. Differences in phytohormone and flavonoid metabolism explain the sex differences in responses of Salix rehderiana to drought and nitrogen deposition. Plant Journal, 2023, 114:534-553

Yao Y, Shu S, Wang W, Liu R, Wang Y, Wang X*, Zhang S*. Growth and carbon sequestration of poplar plantations on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 147:109930.

Liu R, Yao Y, Guo Z, Li Q, Zhang S*. Plantation rhizosphere soil microbes promote soil‒plant phosphorus feedback on the Tibetan Plateau. Plant and Soil, 2023, 501:191-209

Liu R, Yao, Li Q, Cai Z, Wei D, Wang X, Zhang S*. Rhizosphere soil microbes benefit carbon and nitrogen sinks under long-term afforestation on the Tibetan Plateau. Catena, 2023, 220:106705.

Kong X, Guo Z, Yao Y, Xia L, Liu R, Song H, Zhang S*. Acetic acid alters rhizosphere microbes and metabolic composition to improve willows drought resistance. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 844:157132.

Li M, Gao S, Luo J, Cai Z, Zhang S*. Mitigation effects of exogenous acetic acid on drought stress in Cunninghamia lanceolata. Plant and Soil, 2022, 505:85-100.

Xia L, Kong X, Song H, Han Q, Zhang S*. Advances in proteome-wide analysis of plant lysine acetylation. Plant Communications. 2022, 3, 100266.

Song H, Chen Y, Cai Z, Wu X, Zhang S*. Nitrogen influenced competition between the genders of Salix rehderiana. Tree Physiology. 2021, 41, 2375–2391.

Cai Z, Yang C, Liao J, Song H, Zhang S*. Sex-biased genes and metabolites explain morphologically sexual dimorphism and reproductive costs in Salix paraplesia catkins. Horticulture Research, 2021, 8: 125.

Gao S, Cai Z, Yang C, Luo J, Zhang S*. Provenance-specific ecophysiological responses to drought in Cunninghamia lanceolata. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2021, 14: 1060-1072.

Liao J, Cai Z, Song H, Zhang S*. Poplar males and willow females exhibit superior adaptation to nocturnal warming than the opposite sex. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 717: 137179.

Song H, Cai Z, Liao J, Zhang S*. Phosphoproteomic and metabolomic analyses reveal sexually differential regulatory mechanisms in poplar to nitrogen deficiency. Journal of Proteome Research. 2020, 19: 1073-1084 (杂志封面).


  1. 张胜,陈遥,宋海凤,杨聪聪. 青杨雄株的组织培养基及应用. ZL202110709558.7

  2. 张胜,陈遥,夏林超,孔祥阁. 组培培养基、青杨雌株再生体系和转基因株系建立的方法. ZL202210712527.1


