主要从事植物细胞器转录后加工方面的研究。以水稻为研究对象,重点关注线粒体和叶绿体基因转录后加工过程,探索植物细胞器RNA编辑因子、剪接因子的功能和作用机制;结合CRISPR、PPR等相关基因编辑系统创建细胞器RNA编辑器,致力于推动细胞器基因组编辑技术在分子设计育种中的应用。相关研究成果已发表于New Phytologist,Journal of Experimental Botany,Environmental Pollution等国际知名期刊。承担《生物化学》、《专业英语导读与写作》、《生物》、《普通生物学实验》、《植物生物学实验》等本科课程教学任务。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,32370365,2024-2027, 50万元, 在研,主持
国家自然科学基金青年项目(C类),32100326,2022-2024, 30万元, 结题,主持
四川省自然科学基金面上项目,2022NSFSC0158,2022-2023, 20万元, 结题,主持
Xiao, H*#., Liu, Z#., Zou, X., Xu, Y., Peng, L., Hu, J., and Lin, H*. (2021). Silencing of rice
PPR gene PPS1 exhibited enhanced sensibility to abiotic stress and remarkable accumulation
of ROS. Journal of plant physiology 258-259, 153361.
Xiao H, Xu Y, Ni C, Zhang Q, Zhong F, Huang J, Liu W, Peng L, Zhu Y, Hu J#. (2018). A rice dual-localized pentatricopeptide repeat protein is involved in organellar RNA editing together with OsMORFs. Journal of Experimental Botany (1460-2431) 69: 2923-2936. IF=5.354
Xiao H, Zhang Q, Qin X, Xu Y, Ni C, Huang J, Zhu L, Liu W, Yao, G, Zhu Y and Hu J#. Rice PPS1 encodes a DYW-motif containing pentatricopeptide repeat protein required for five consecutive RNA editing sites of nad3 in mitochondria. New phytologist (1469-8137) DOI:10.1111/nph.15347. IF=7.433
Liang C*, Xiao H*, Hu Z, Zhang X#, Hu J#. 2018. Uptake, transportation, and accumulation of C60 fullerene and heavy metal ions (Cd, Cu, and Pb) in rice plants grown in an agricultural soil. Environmental Pollution (0269-7491) 235: 330-338. (co-first author).
Xiao, H*#., Liu, Z., Zou X., Xu, Y., Peng, L., Hu, J., Lin, H. Silencing of Rice PPR gene PPS1 exhibited enhanced sensibility to abiotic stress and remarkable accumulation of ROS. Journal of Plant Physiology. 258-259 (2021) 153361.
Qin X, Huang Q, Xiao H, Zhang Q, Ni C, Xu Y, Liu G, Yang D, Zhu Y#, Hu J#. 2016. The rice DUF1620-containing and WD40-like repeat protein is required for the assembly of the restoration of fertility complex. New Phytologist (1469-8137) 210: 934-945.
Qin X, Huang Q, Zhu L, Xiao H, Yao G, Huang W, Zhu R, Hu J#, Zhu Y#. 2014. Interaction with Cu(2)(+) disrupts the RNA binding affinities of RNA recognition motif containing protein. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications (0006-291X) 444: 116-120.
Zhang Q, Xu Y, Huang J, Zhang K, Xiao H, Qin X, Zhu L, Zhu Y and Hu J(2020) The Rice Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein PPR756 Is Involved in Pollen Development by Affecting Multiple RNA Editing in Mitochondria. Front. Plant Sci. 11:749.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00749.
Zhang Y., Zhang Y., Zhang A., Tian Q., Yang B., Wei L., Wu W., Zhu T., Zhou Z., Wang J., Liu Z., Tang W., Xiao H., Liu M., Li T., Sun Q.(2025)Floral scent emission of Epiphyllum oxypetalum: Discovery 1 of its cytosol-localized geraniol biosynthesis. Horticulture Research, uhaf039, https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhaf039.
Xu Y., Li X., Huang J., Peng L., Luo D., Zhang Q., Dan Z., Xiao H., Yang F., Hu J.(2020) A simplified method to isolate rice mitochondria. Plant Methods.16:149.