吴永杰,博士,教授,博士生导师。Email: wuyongjie@scu.edu.cn
四川汉源人,四川大学生命科学学院生态系副主任,担任《生物多样性》杂志编委、Zoological Research: Diversity and Conservation编委、Birds编委、 Frontiers in Genetics客座编辑、Animals客座编辑、中国动物学会生物地理学分会理事、生态环境部环境工程评估中心环境影响评价专家库成员、四川省自然保护区评审委员会委员、四川省世界遗产专家委员会委员、环境损害司法鉴定专家、四川省野生动植物保护协会理事兼副秘书长等学术兼职。第十四批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。
2023-至今 四川大学生命科学学院,教授,博士生导师,生态系副主任。
2016-2023 四川大学生命科学学院,副教授,博士生导师,生态系副主任。
2016-2018 美国芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)生态与进化系,访问学者。
2014-2016 四川大学生命科学学院,助理研究员。
2011-2014 中国科学院动物研究所,获理学博士学位。
2013-2013 美国康乃迪克大学(The University of Connecticut)生态与进化系,访问学者。
2008-2011 中国科学院动物研究所,获理学硕士学位。
2004-2008 西华师范大学生物科学(师范)专业,获理学学士学位。
0710 生物学(动物学)- 学术硕士
0713 生态学(动物生态学)- 学术硕士
0954 林业(野生动植物保护与资源利用、自然保护地建设与管理)- 专业硕士
发表论文70余篇,相关论文发表在Cell、Global Ecology and Biogeography、Ecography、Journal of Biogeography、Molecular Ecology、Evolution、Conservation Biology、Avian Research、生态学报、生物多样性等国内外主流学术期刊。担任PNAS、Ecology Letters、Molecular Ecology、The American Naturalist、Journal of Biogeography、Diversity and Distribution、Ecography、Biological Conservation、生态学报、生物多样性、动物学杂志、四川动物、生态与农村环境学报等30余个学术期刊审稿人。
2022.09 四川大学好未来教学名师奖
2020.07 四川大学先进个人
2017.09 第十一届郑作新鸟类科学青年奖
2016.06 四川大学优秀实习指导教师
2015.11 第二届中国鸟类学研究生学术新人奖
2014.10 中国科学院院长优秀奖
2014.08 中国科学院大学优秀博士毕业生、保罗生物科技优秀学生特别奖
2013.11 中国青年鸟类学家研讨会暨第九届翠鸟论坛金翠鸟奖
2012.12 博士研究生国家奖学金、中国科学院研究生院三好学生标兵
2007.12 保护生物多样性活动方案获环保部、共青团中央、教育部三等奖
Chuang Zhou, Xiaofeng Zheng, Kexin Peng, Kaize Feng, Bisong Yue and Yongjie Wu*. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the kiang (Equus kiang) illuminates genomic basis for its high-altitude adaptation. Integrative Zoology, 2023:1-12. DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12795
Chuang Zhou#, Kexin Peng#, Yi Liu, Rusong Zhang, Xiaofeng Zheng, Bisong Yue, Chao Du*, Yongjie Wu*. Comparative Analyses Reveal the Genetic Mechanism of Ambergris Production in the Sperm Whale Based on the Chromosome-Level Genome. Animals. 2023, 13(3):361.
Kaize Feng, Chuang Zhou, Lei Wang, Chunhui Zhang, Zhixiong Yang, Zhengrui Hu, Bisong Yue, Yongjie Wu*. Comprehensive Comparative Analysis Sheds Light on the Patterns of Microsatellite Distribution across Birds Based on the Chromosome-Level Genomes. Animals. 2023, 13(4): 655.
Ian Haase, Zhengwei Liu, Shangmingyu Zhang, Zhehan Dong, Yuwen Cheng, Kaize Feng,Kexin Peng, Jianghong Ran, Yongjie Wu*. Altitudinal migration behavior patterns of birds on the eastern slope of Mt. Gongga, China. Avian Research, 2023 (14):100114.
Chuang Zhou#, Xiaofeng Zheng#, Kaize Feng, Kexin Peng, Yanni Zhang, Guangqing Zhao,Yang Meng, Li Zhang, Bisong Yue, Yongjie Wu*. The draft genome of the Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae) provides insights into its phylogenetic position and high-altitude adaptation. Journal of Heredity, 2023(114): 175–188.
Shuting Wang, Dequn Teng, Xueyan Li, Peiwen Yang, Wa Da, Yiming Zhang, Yubo Zhang, Guichun Liu, Xinshuang Zhang, Wenting Wan, Zhiwei Dong, Donghui Wang, Shun Huang, Zhisheng Jiang, Qingyi Wang, David J. Lohman, Yongjie Wu, Linlin Zhang, Fenghai Jia, Erica Westerman, Li Zhang, Wen Wang, Wei Zhang*. The evolution and diversification of oakleaf butterflies. Cell. 2022,185: 3138–3152.
Zhehan Dong, Shangmingyu Zhang, Yuwen Cheng, Xingcheng He, Ian Haase, Yi Liang, Yong Jiang, Yongjie Wu*. Comparative analysis of the intestinal tract microbiota and feeding habits of five sympatric flycatchers. Avian research. 2022(13):100050.
Yuwen Cheng#, Zhixin Wen#, Xingcheng He, Zhehan Dong, Mingyu Zhangshang, Dongrui Li, Yan Wang, Yong Jiang, Yongjie Wu*. Ecological traits affect the seasonal migration patterns of breeding birds along a subtropical altitudinal gradient. Avian research. 2022(13):100066
Xiaoyi Wang, Xingcheng He, Megan Price, Qianyun He, Pei Zhang, Jianghong Ran, Yongjie Wu*. Epigeic Arthropod Community Changes in Response to Livestock-caused Alpine Grassland Degradation on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2022, e02062. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02062.
Xingcheng He, Shane DuBay, Mingyu Zhangshang, Yuwen Cheng, Zhengwei Liu, Dongrui Li, Jianghong Ran, Yongjie Wu*. Seasonal elevational patterns and the underlying mechanisms of avian diversity and community structure on the eastern slope of Mt. Gongga. Diversity and Distributions. 2022,28:2459–2474. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13475
张尚明玉, 何兴成, 王燕, 王贝爻, 何倩芸, 张怡田, 王彬, 张凯, 胡力, 尚涛, 朱敏, 吴永杰*. 都江堰地区繁殖期鸟类多样性. 生物多样性, 2022, 30 (3): 21329.
Zhixin Wen, Tianlong Cai, Yongjie Wu, Anderson Fejió, Lin Xia, Jilong Cheng, Xingwen Peng, Qian Zhang, Zejun Zhang, Jianghong Ran, Deyan Ge, Qisen Yang. Environmental drivers of sympatric mammalian species compositional turnover in giant panda nature reserves: Implications for conservation. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 860(4): 150944. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150944
Chuangming Yang, Pei Zhang, Yongjie Wu, Qiang Dai, Gai Luo, Huaming Zhou, Dong Zhao, Jianghong Ran*. Livestock limits snow leopard’s space use by suppressing its prey,blue sheep, at Gongga Mountain, China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2021: e01728. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01728
王燕,何兴成,张尚明玉,张怡田,何倩芸,王贝爻,王彬,宋心强,付明霞,朱敏,吴永杰*. 四川荥经大相岭繁殖期鸟类多样性与群落结构.四川动物. 2021, 40(3): 344-360.
Shane G. DuBay*†, Yongjie Wu*, Graham R. Scott, Yanhua Qu, Qiao Liu, Joel H. Smith, Chao Xin, Andrew Hart Reeve, Chen Juncheng, Dylan Meyer, Jing Wang, Jacob Johnson, Zachary A. Cheviron, Fumin Lei, John Bates. Life history predicts flight muscle phenotype and function in birds.Journal of Animal Ecology. 2020, 89:1262-1276.
Taxing Zhang, Xue Chen, Yongjie Wu*, Jianghong Ran*. Diversity and Structure of Bird Communities in Contrasting Forests of the Hengduan Mountains, China. Biodiversity and Conservation. 2020, 29:3739–3755.
Jing Liao, Ting Liao, Xingcheng He, Taxing Zhang, Dongrui Li, Xiuhai Luo, Yongjie Wu*, Jianghong Ran*. The effects of agricultural landscape composition and heterogeneity on bird diversity and community structure in the Chengdu Plain, China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2020, 24: e01191
Liu, Wei; Jin, Yuyi; Wu, Yongjie; Zhao, Chenhao; He, Xingcheng; Wang, Bin; Ran, Jianghong. 2020. Home Range and Habitat Use of Breeding Black-necked Cranes. Animals 10(11): 1975.
Chuang Zhou, Jake George James, Yu Xu, Hongmei Tu, Xingcheng He, Qinchao Wen, Megan Price, Nan Yang, Yongjie Wu, Jianghong Ran, Yang Meng*, Bisong Yue*. Genome-wide analysis sheds light on the high-altitude adaptation of the buff-throated partridge (Tetraophasis szechenyii). Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2020, 295(1):31-46.
Chuang zhou, Yifan Zhang, Shi Qiu, Haoran Yu, Hongmei Tu, Qinchao Wen, Jake George James, Yang Meng, Yongjie Wu, Nan Yang*, Bisong Yue*. Genomic evidence sheds light on the genetic mechanisms of musk secretion in muskrats. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020, 145, 1189-1198.
Chuang Zhou, Haoran Yu, Yang Geng, Wei Liu, Shuai Zheng, Nan Yang, Yang Meng, Liang Dou, Megan Price, Jianghong Ran, Bisong Yue*, Yongjie Wu*. A High-quality Draft Genome Assembly of the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) Based on Nanopore Sequencing. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2019, 11(12):3332–3340
Kai Cui, Wujiao Li, Jake George James, Changjun Peng, Jiazheng Jin, Chaochao Yan,Zhenxin Fan, Lianming Du, Megan Price, Yongjie Wu*, Bisong Yue*. The first draft genome of Lophophorus: A step forward for Phasianidae genomic diversity and conservation. Genomics. 2019, 111(6):1209-1215.
Xingcheng He, Xiaoyi Wang, Shane DuBay, Andrew Hart Reeve, Per Alström, Jianghong Ran, Qiao Liu & Yongjie Wu*. Elevational patterns of bird species richness on the eastern slope of Mt. Gongga, Sichuan Province, China. Avian Research. 2019, 10(1): 1-12.
Wei Liu#, Yongjie Wu#, Shane G. DuBay, Chenhao Zhao, Bin Wang & Jianghong Ran*. Dung-associated arthropods influence foraging ecology and habitat selection in Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Ecology and Evolution. 2019(9): 2096-2105.
Gai Luo, Chuangming Yang, Huaming Zhou, Michael Seitz, Yongjie Wu* & Jianghong Ran*. Habitat use and diel activity pattern of the Tibetan Snowcock (Tetraogallus tibetanus): a case study using camera traps for surveying high-elevation bird species. Avian Research. 2019, 10(4):21-29.
Chuang Zhou, Hongmei Tu, Haoran Yu, Shuai Zheng, Bo Dai, Megan Price, Yongjie Wu, Nan Yang, Bisong Yue and Yang Meng*. The Draft Genome of the Endangered Sichuan Partridge (Arborophila rufipectus) with Evolutionary Implications. Genes. 2019, 10(9), 677.
何兴成, 付强, 吴永杰*, 王彬, 陈雪, 冉江洪*. 水鹿的群体结构和活动节律分析. 兽类学报, 2019, 39(2):134-141.
Bin Wang, Yu Xu, Bo Zhang, Yongjie Wu, Xingcheng He, Jianghong Ran* and Tao Zeng*. Overlap and selection of dust-bathing sites among three sympatric montane galliform species. The Auk. 2018,135:1076-1086.
Qing Quan, Xianli Che, Yongjie Wu, Yuchun Wu, Qiang Zhang, Min Zhang, Fasheng Zou*. Effectiveness of protected areas for vertebrates based on taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity. Conservation Biology. 2018, 32(2): 355-365.
Cai, Tianlong, Fjeldså, Jon, Wu, Yongjie, Shao, Shimiao, Chen, Youhua, Quan, Qing, Li, Xinhai, Song, Gang, Qu, Yanhua, Qiao, Gexia & Lei, Fumin*. What makes the Sino-Himalayan mountains the major diversity hotspots for pheasants? Journal of Biogeography, 2018, 45(3): 640-651.
Wen, Zhixin; Wu, Yongjie; Cheng, Jilong; Cai, Tianlong; Du, Yuanbao; Ge, Deyan; Xia Lin; Yang, Qisen*. Abundance of small mammals correlates with their elevational range sizes and elevational distributions in the subtropics. Ecography. 2018, 41(11): 1888-1898.
Zhang, Yuke; Wu, Yongjie; Zhang, Qiongyue; Ran, Jianghong*; Price, Megan. Distribution of a giant panda population influenced by land cover. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2018, 82(6):1199-1209.
Yongjie Wu, Shane G. DuBay, Robert K. Colwell, Jianghong Ran, Fumin Lei*. Mobile hotspots and refugia of avian diversity in the mountains of south-west China under past and contemporary global climate change. Journal of Biogeography. 2017, 44(3): 615-626
Zhang, Dezhi; Song, Gang; Gao, Bin; Cheng, Yalin; Qu, Yanhua; Wu, Shaoyuan; Shao, Shimiao; Wu, Yongjie; Alstrom, Per & Lei, Fumin. Genomic differentiation and patterns of gene flow between two long-tailed tit species (Aegithalos). Molecular Ecology. 2017, 26: 6654-6665.
Chenguang Feng, Yongjie Wu, Fei Tian, Chao Tong, Yongtao Tang, Renyi Zhang, Guogang Li Kai Zhao. Elevational diversity gradients of Tibetan loaches: The relative roles of ecological and evolutionary processes. Ecology and Evolution. 2017,7(23): 9970–9977
Chunlan Zhang, Qing Quan, Yongjie Wu, Youhua Chen, Peng He, Yanhua Qu, Fumin Lei*. Topographic heterogeneity and temperature amplitude explain species richness patterns of birds in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Current Zoology. 2017; 63 (2): 131-137
Shane G. DuBay*, Andrew Hart Reeve, Yongjie Wu. Human disturbance provides foraging opportunities for birds in primary subalpine forest. Journal of Ornithology. 2017, 158 (3): 833-839
吴永杰*,何兴成,Shane G. DuBay,Andrew Hart Reeve,Per Alström,周华明,和梅香,雍凡,张文文,雷富民,冉江洪*.贡嘎山东坡的鸟类多样性和区系.四川动物, 2017, 36(6): 601-615
Xue Lv, Lin Xia, Deyan Ge, Yongjie Wu, Qisen Yang*. Climatic niche conservatism and ecological opportunity in the explosive radiation of arvicoline rodents (Arvicolinae, Cricetidae). Evolution. 2016, 70:1094-1104
Xinyuan Pan, Zhifeng Ding, Yiming Hu, Jianchao Liang, Yongjie Wu, Xingfeng Si, Mingfang Guo, Huijian Hu*, Kun Jin*. Elevational pattern of bird species richness and its causes along a central Himalaya gradient, China. PeerJ. 2016, 4(11): 4:e2636.
Liang Lu, Deyan Ge, Douglas Chesters, Simon Y. W. Ho, Ying Ma, Guichang Li, Zhixin Wen, Yongjie Wu, Jun Wang, Lin Xia, Jingli Liu, Tianyu Guo, Xiaolong Zhang, Chaodong Zhu, Qisen Yang*, Qiyong Liu*. Molecular phylogeny and the underestimated species diversity of the endemic white-bellied rat (Rodentia: Muridae: Niviventer) in Southeast Asia and China. Zoologica Scripta. 2015, 44(5): 475-494
Yongjie Wu, Robert K. Colwell, Naijian Han, Ruiying Zhang, Wenjuan Wang, Qing Quan, Chunlan Zhang, Gang Song, Yanhua Qu, Fumin Lei*. Understanding historical and current patterns of species richness of babblers along a 5000-m subtropical elevational gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2014, 23(11): 1167-1176
Zhixin Wen#, Yongjie Wu#, Yuanbao Du, Lin Xia, Deyan Ge, Qisen Yang*, Limin Chen. Seasonal Change of Species Diversity Patterns of Non-volant Small Mammals along Three Subtropical Elevational Gradients. Biotropica. 2014, 46(4): 479-488
Yongjie Wu, Robert K. Colwell, Carsten Rahbek, Chunlan Zhang, Qing Quan, Changke Wang, Fumin Lei*. Explaining the species richness of birds along a subtropical elevational gradient in the Hengduan Mountains. Journal of Biogeography. 2013, 40(12): 2310-2323
Yongjie Wu, Qisen Yang*, Zhixin Wen, Lin Xia, Qian Zhang and Huaming Zhou. What drives the species richness patterns of non-volant small mammals along a subtropical elevational gradient? Ecography. 2013, 36(2):185-196
吴永杰, 雷富民*. 物种丰富度垂直分布格局及影响机制. 动物学杂志, 2013, 48(5):797-807
吴永杰, 杨奇森*, 夏霖, 冯祚建, 周华明. 贡嘎山东坡非飞行小型兽类物种多样性的垂直分布格局. 生态学报, 2012, 32(14): 4318-4328
吴永杰, 袁兴勤, 胡锦矗*, 杨艳, 方慧, 王俊.灰麝鼩与黑线姬鼠消化道解剖初步比较. 西华师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 29 (1): 15-19